Spring Air Conditioner Maintenance

As temperatures rise, it’s a reminder that summer is almost here, which means it will soon be time to break out the sunscreen, fire up the grill, and crank up the air conditioning. But before you get too comfortable, it's important to make sure your AC is in good working order. It’s the perfect time to start thinking about how to keep your AC working efficiently and effectively for another season and a reminder to keep up with regular air conditioner maintenance from First Klass Mechanical.

What do we look at during your AC unit maintenance?

Spring air conditioner maintenance

The air filter

The hero of your HVAC system, catching all the dust and dirt that would otherwise clog up your system, but over time that filter gets dirty and becomes less efficient. A dirty or clogged filter causes the system to work harder then it needs to which will reduce the efficiency of your AC unit. Think of it like a vacuum cleaner bag – eventually, it just can't take any more. So, be sure to clean or replace your air filter regularly to keep things running smoothly, especially during the peak cooling season.

The thermostat

There has probably been a few disagreements in your household over the temperature in your home over the years. However, before there is a thermostat war, make sure your thermostat is functioning properly. Any problems with the thermostat could be signs of a larger problem with your AC unit. If you are noticing any issues or inaccuracies, it could be time to replace your thermostat or schedule AC maintenance service with First Klass Mechanical to help keep the peace in your home.

The condensate drain

This is the part of your AC system that removes moisture from the air. Over time, dirt, leaves, and other debris can accumulate on the unit, reducing its ability to function effectively. If the drain becomes clogged, it can cause water to back up and potentially damage your unit. Our technicians will check the condensate drain and clear out any debris.

The Refrigerant Level

The refrigerant is a chemical that cools the air in your air conditioner. Over time, the refrigerant level can decrease, reducing the unit's efficiency and cooling capacity. A low refrigerant level may also indicate a leak, which should be fixed quickly.

Finally, let's talk about the importance of scheduling regular air conditioning maintenance. Just like your car needs an oil change and tune-up every so often, your air conditioner needs a little TLC too. Schedule a professional from First Klass Mechanical to check out your unit at least once a year to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.

Remember, keeping your AC in good working order will not only keep you cool and comfortable all summer long, but it will also help prevent costly repairs down the line. Performing regular AC maintenance on your air conditioner can help extend its lifespan, increase its efficiency and use less energy during the hot summer months.

Call First Klass Mechanical and let their certified technicians help keep you cool and comfortable all summer long!


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