How to tell if you need air conditioning repair or a new air conditioner installation

As the temperature is starting to heat up, are you concerned about feeling the heat inside your home instead of just outside where it belongs?

As your air conditioning system is an essential part of your summer must haves, it’s important to have a fully functioning air conditioning unit to keep your home temperature comfortable. However, sometimes your AC unit may start showing signs of wear and tear and could leave you wondering whether its time to invest in a brand-new air conditioner installation or if its worth just repairing. Replacing the whole AC system can be pricey, but it is also expensive paying for costly repairs on an aging system year after year. Here are some signs that might help you decide if you can repair your air conditioning unit or if you should bite the bullet and relace it!

air conditioner installation

Signs that you need air conditioning repair:

  • Not cooling effectively - If you are finding your air conditioning system is not cooling your home effectively, it may be a sign that you need an air conditioning repair. This could be due to a variety of issues, such as a dirty air filter, low refrigerant levels, or a malfunctioning thermostat.

  • Strange odors or noises - If your unit is making unusual noises or emitting strange odors, it may be a sign that it needs repairs. This could be due to a variety of issues, such as a faulty motor or a refrigerant leak and definitely worth looking in to.

  • Poor airflow – Poor air flow can lead to higher energy bills and uneven cooling which can be a sign of a malfunctioning blower motor or a dirty air filter. If your unit is not supplying sufficient airflow, it may be a sign that it needs repairs.

Signs you need a new air conditioner installation:

  • Age of the system – This is an important factor when considering if you should replace or repair. Air conditioner units tend to last 10-15 years, so if your unit approaching the end of its lifespan it may be more cost effective to replace it then to invest in costly repairs that may only be a temporary solution.

  • Frequent breakdowns – Frequent breakdowns or issues is a sign that indicates the unit is nearing the end of its lifespan and could continue to require costly repairs. investing in a new unit can end up saving you more time and money in the long run, instead of continuing to repair an old and unreliable unit.

  • Energy efficiency – If your goal is to lower your electricity bill over time its important to note that newer AC models are more energy efficient then older models. This can save you money on your energy bills in the long run. Newer models may even have built in every saving features like two stage cooling and programmable thermostats.

At the end of the day, its likely we all want two simple things. To be cool in the summer and to not spend money you don’t have to.

It can be a difficult decision to decide if you need to just repair your air conditioner or if you need a new one. By understanding the things you need to be on the look out for and considering cost of repairs or replacements you will be able to make an educated decision. As always, when in doubt, contact your friendly neighbourhood professionals at First Klass Mechanical to give you a recommendation on the best option for your unique situation. Whether it’s an air conditioning repair or air conditioner installation, they will give you honest advice you can trust.


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