Do You Need To Have A Gas Fireplace Cleaned?

While the need to clean a wood burning fireplace is pretty obvious, many people wonder if you need to have a natural gas fireplace cleaned. After all, natural gas is clean burning, isn’t that the point?

The answer is Yes, you need to have your natural gas fireplace cleaned and here some of the reasons why.

Cleaning a natural gas fireplace

Cleaner Is Better

While natural gas is clean burning, you will find that your fireplace still collects dust, pet hair, dead bugs and debris within the cracks, crevices, logs, and grate. Vacuuming inside the fireplace, cleaning the ceramic logs and the front glass will ensure that your fireplace looks great and performs as it supposed to. You should also have your chimney professionally swept to remove any debris that has accumulated over time.

Extended Lifespan

As with most appliances and equipment in your home, keeping your fireplace clean and properly maintained will extend it’s lifespan and allow you to spot any potential issues before they become more serious. Ceramic and cement logs can be inspected for cracks and repaired before a full replacement is required . Inspection of the pilot light ensures that you will be able to activated your fireplace when you want to.

Look For Damage

A major concern for home owners related to gas fireplaces is water damage. Over time the chimney can become compromised allowing moisture to seep in. An inspection and cleaning is the perfect time to look for potential leaks and address them before they become a more serious problem.

Health & Safety

For a fireplace of any kind, one of the most important reasons to keep it clean and in proper working order is to minimize the risk of a housefire. Fireplaces and chimneys that have been neglected can pose a serious risk for causing house fires. If you haven’t used your fireplace in sometime, contact a professional to ensure it is working order before using it.

Another serious health concern is carbon monoxide positioning. Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odorless gas created as a byproduct when burning natural gas. Cabon monoxide is poisonous and exposure can be fatal. It is important that the natural gas equipment in your home vents the carbon monoxide out of your home, and that your home is equipped with carbon monoxide detectors to alert you of any leaks.

For all of your gas fireplace service and repair needs, please feel free to contact us. The team at First Klass Mechanical are your HVAC specialists, serving the Okanagan Valley since 1990.


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